Adulting 101. A podcast on everything they NEVER taught us in school.

Masters Series: What's your Why with Gareth Burrowes

Melissa Whyte Episode 12

As I continue to grow in my career, I'm haunted by the question of; Should I get my masters? To help me answer this question I have enlisted the help of a few of my friends who have either gone through the process or are currently going through it.

My first guest is Gareth Burrowes, Head of Product and Growth at The Tech Connection in Boston, Massachusetts. Gareth received a dual masters in Computer Science as well as an MBA. During this interview Gareth brought up a key point of WHY are you considering to do your masters. If it is just to learn something new then in this day and age of technology we can learn anything we want online without having to spend so much money to do so.  We must therefore consider the following:  are you doing it for a promotion, to aid in migration (moving to another country) or to help you move along on your career path.

This interview is the first in the series, I hope at the end of the series your questions and mine are answered and we have a clearer picture as to whether or not we should go ahead with this step.

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The Tech Connection