Adulting 101. A podcast on everything they NEVER taught us in school.

Masters Series: Your Drive Will Propel You with Paige Jackson

Melissa Whyte Episode 14

In this new episode of the Masters Series I interview Paige Jackson who completed her masters in Communication for Social Behavior Change with Distinction. She recently presented her thesis on Communication Channels Influence on Parental Attitudes Towards Nutrition of Children with Disabilities at the 64th Annual CARPHA Health Research Conference in Trinidad. 

While doing her masters she was also the President for the Rotaract Club of St.Andrew and working in a full time job, in the interview Paige shares that it was her determination to finish the program that took her through those difficult periods.

Thinking of doing your master? Paige expresses as the other persons I've interviewed that if you have no WHY then there is no purpose. The consistent theme of having a WHY rings loudly in the episodes thus far.

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